Wednesday 29 August 2007

CEO pay: 364 times more than workers

CEO pay: 364 times more than workers

The wage gap is still gaping, according to a new report. But it's not nearly as wide as the gap between private equity managers and everyone else, including CEOs.
By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer
August 29 2007: 8:25 AM EDT

NEW YORK ( -- Pay comparisons almost always leave someone feeling dwarfed, and none more so than the CEO-to-worker pay gap. But even CEOs have reason to feel seriously dwarfed these days, thanks to the outsized paychecks of private equity and hedge fund managers.

The average CEO of a large U.S. company made roughly $10.8 million last year, or 364 times that of U.S. full-time and part-time workers, who made an average of $29,544, according to a joint analysis released Wednesday by the see more

Saturday 25 August 2007

Google: The New No. 1

Google's meteoric rise
Find out what makes Google, Fortune's No. 1 Company to Work For, shine.

A day in the life of a 'Googler'
Find out what it's like to live the life of an employee at Google, Fortune's No. 1 Best Company to Work For.

Fortune's Best Company to Work For 2007

Who wants to be a millionare winner

Want a job at Google? Try these brainteasers first
Google, Microsoft, and eBay are looking for engineers who can think on their feet. Here's how they find them...

The Google backlash begins
The Internet search giant is having a rough week -- and not just because it missed Wall Street's profit forecast. Here are four steps the company should take now to stem the fallout.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Vztah Muže a Ženy

Vztah muže a ženy

dnes pouze krátký citat:
"Muži a ženy mají rozdílný jeden chromozom Y, který obsahuje přibližně 50 milionů genetických bází. Naproti tomu dva muži jakkoli rozdílných ras, například Čech a Rom, se liší maximálně v 3 milionech bází. Tedy mezi mužem a ženou je zhruba sedmnáctkrát větší rozdíl než mezi Čechem a Romem. Čistě geneticky má tedy běžný Čech (ať už je sebevětší rasista) daleko blíže k běžnému Romovi než k vlastní manželce."


Komunikují muži a ženy stejně?
