Saturday 22 November 2008

End the FED

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve




lessons from the financial crisis

4 lessons from the financial crisis

I’m inexperienced when it comes to investing, but I want to build a more secure financial future. What tips or suggestions do you have for a young investor like me? ...

Crisis questions answered
You've sent us an unprecedented number of questions about how to cope with this scary market. We've asked our top experts to help you out.

Keep your cool in a dangerous market

Reason No. 1 Your brain is wired for panic
Reason No. 2 You see safety in the herd
Reason No. 3 You underestimate the risk of being out of stocks
Reason No. 4 There's no such thing as 'risk tolerance.'

Friday 7 November 2008


Joe South
Walk a mile in my shoes

Jdi jednu míli v mých botách

If I could be you, if you could be me
/Kdybych mohl být tebou, kdbys mohl být mnou/
For just one hour, if we could find a way
/aspoň hodinu, kdybychom mohli najít cestu/
To get inside each other's mind
/dostat se do myslí toho druhého/
If you could see you through my eyes
/kdyby ses mohl vidět skrz mé oči/
Instead your own ego I believe you'd be
/místo svého vlastního ega, věřím, že bys/
I believe you'd be surprised to see
/byl překvapen když bys viděl/
That you've been blind
/že jsi byl slepý/
Walk a mile in my shoesjust walk a mile in my shoes
/jen jdi míli v mých botách/
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
/před tím, než zneužiješ, zkritizuješ a obviníš/
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Elvis - Walk a Mile In my Shoes

Monday 3 November 2008

Stocks Could Get a Short Post-Election Bounce

Stocks Could Get a Short Post-Election Bounce

Five Stocks to Fight The Recession

US Stocks: Stuck At the Bottom for Next 5 Years?
The U.S. markets may see sideways movement down at the bottom for the next 3 to 5 years, says Ron Ianieri, chief markets strategist at the Options University, as he has noted an "ABC" pattern to the charts. He tells CNBC's Martin Soong more.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Z vasich nedostatku udelam vyhody, tvrdi profesionalni kouc

Z vašich nedostatků udělám výhody, tvrdí profesionální kouč

Těm nejúspěšnějším šéfům po celém světě radí, jak se stát ještě lepšími a kterých zlozvyků se mají zbavit. Najmou si ji, když nevědí, jak dál. Za to, že jim poví, co se jim ostatní bojí říct, dostává skvěle zaplaceno. Katarina Schapiro totiž patří mezi špičku světových koučů... více 

Koučink centrum


Tips for Effective Coaching


R. Paul one of the people who predicted the financial meltdown

R. Paul one of the people who predicted the financial meltdown
Back in September 2003, Mr Paul told a House Financial Services Committee that: “Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market.
“This is because the special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions.” Of course, if we are going to give Mr Paul credit, than we should also highlight the efforts of Peter Schiff, his economic advisor and long-time economic hawk.
Ron Paul - Republican Congressman

Now only few numbers

16. Sept 2008 price 0,26 USD = bankruptcy
Shares FRE
Jul 21, 2000 1 share cost 40,81 USD x 647.02M = 26,405,000,000 USD



origin from

... These are the three fundamental reasons why Ron Paul failed to secure the nomination of his Party, despite the very high probability that he would have done much better than McCain and Palin, and may even have beaten Obama.
Obama will win. I expect that he will put the economy even more into the tank than it already is. He could even make it bad enough that his re-election is doubtful, but he will blame his predecessors and argue that he has not had enough time to fix 8 years of Republican rule. He will also try very hard to solidify his coalition by giving them favors.
Despite all that, Ron Paul will become even more of a viable opposition candidate. But the Republicans will never go for him because of the factors above. Besides there will be the Palins and others who will want to have the power...
by Michael S. Rozeff
They may not be getting as much attention as McBama, but there are Ron Paul candidates running all over the country for positions from the US Senate to their local water board. We want to hear about your stories. Over the next couple of days, please check in and let us know what worked, what didn't, and what you will be doing to prepare for next time.
We are so proud of all of the citizen statesmen and women all over the country who have been woken up by this message and put themselves on the line to promote these ideals in their communities. Let's use this opportunity to learn from this experience so we can do even better next time!
by Don Rasmussen on 11/04/08

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