Thursday, 21 February 2008

Top 10 Ways to Be Happy at Work

Jak to zařídit, aby byl člověk v práci spokojený - Top 10 Ways to Be Happy at Work

Jsou podniky, pro které stojí za to dělat. Jsou i takové, kde je pro člověka práce utrpením. Něco se ovlivnit nedá, ale řadu věcí může změnit člověk sám. Odborníci na internetu přínášejí řadu zajímavých poznatků a rad, kam napřít síly.

Pracovat pro Google - to zní skutečně super. Google je určitě motivující zaměstnavatel, který se o své lidi stará: zdarma jídlo, inženýři, kteří mohou strávit 20 procent svého času na vlastních projektech a mají tu i pracovní prostředí, které podporuje hravost a tvořivé myšlení.

V Google, Genetech a dalších společnostech z Top 100 časopisu Fortune nabízejí zaměstnavatelé nejlepší pracoviště. Uvádí to server 

Ve stejnou dobu co tyto společnosti nabízejí výhody, které umožňují zaměstnancům trávit veškerý svůj čas v práci, často vytěžují lidi a ničí ... více 

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

How to Shave Ten Hours Off Your Work Week

How to Shave Ten Hours Off Your Work Week

lmost everyone I know is working more time than they would like. That’s why a book like The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss has been such a big bestseller. This is a great book, but the promise is a little over the top. I don’t know of anyone, including Tim Ferriss, who really only works four ... more

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Work Week

Even though our modern lives have an incredible number of time-saving devices, we seem to end up working more and more all the time. From time-saving devices in the home (microwave, the robot vacuum, and dishwasher, to name three), to time-saving devices at work (spreadsheets, email, Internet, etc.), we don’t seem to be able to take advantage of the time saved and claim it for ourselves.

Let’s claim that time and decide, from this day on, to work less.

Here’s how: ... more

10 Ways to Simplify Your Budget

Organizace času a plánování - základ úspěchu

Nápady, úspěch, hodnoty, preference a závist


Search Engines History and Google Milestones

Search Engines History

World Wide Web Wanderer:

Soon the web's first robot came. In June 1993 Matthew Gray introduced the World Wide Web Wanderer. He initially wanted to measure the growth of the web and created this bot to count active web servers. He soon upgraded the bot to capture actual URL's. His database became knows as the Wandex.

The Wanderer was as much of a problem as it was a solution because it caused system lag by accessing the same page hundreds of times a day. It did not take long for him to fix this software, but people started to question the value of bots....
more: Search Engines History

search engine land

Search Engine Land's Blogroll, Sliced, Diced, & Categorized

We've had a huge blogroll on Search Engine Land since we started last year. Inspired by some recent posts, I've now organized that massive list into categories, to make it easier for those looking to find some good blog reading. Below, a guide to our blogroll, designed to help those who want to seek out information directly. I'll also cover some new tips and resources in tuning into search news via blogs along the way.

Google Milestones from BackRub

Google is a play on the word googol, which was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman. It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite amount of information available on the web...


Friday, 1 February 2008

Alternativní peníze - Alternative currency

Alternativní peníze

Alternative currency

Economic Means to Freedom

AlternativeCurrency - CommunityWiki

Complementary Currency

Bernard A. Lietaer - The Future of Money

Bernard Lietaer

Lettuce Patch


E-Gold and Alternative Currency FAQ


Best Practices for Benchmarking

Best Practices for Benchmarking

Managers of Maines Paper & Food Service were stumped. Their benchmarking data showed what appeared to be significant performance differences between two company locations. Each site was handling very similar work—in fact, they both were servicing the same client—but figures associated with cost and profitability were dramatically different.

"One unit appeared to be markedly underperforming," recalls William A. Mastrosimone, chief financial officer of the Conklin, NY, company. "We puzzled over it for quite some time."

The puzzle was solved when Mastrosimone and his colleagues uncovered a factor not considered in the benchmarking effort: the age of the two facilities. One had been operating for twenty years, the other for only three—and both units had quite a few staff who had joined the company when their location opened. The older facility had a significant share of twenty-year employees, whose pay "had hit the top of the grid," Mastrosimone says, while the newer location had only a handful of employees with more than a few years' employment. That skewed many unit costs, which took into account personnel expenses.

When the benchmarking effort was ... more

Best Practices & Benchmarking

A best practice is a business function, process, or system that is considered superior to all other known methods. A documented strategy and approach used by the most respected, competitive, and ... more

Best Practices for Small Business

Big business has benefited greatly from benchmarking best practices. Small business can reap even greater rewards. Learn how to effectively borrow outside ideas and strategies for your small business ... more

What is Benchmarking?

1 Advantages of benchmarking
2 Collaborative benchmarking
3 Procedure
4 Cost of benchmarking
5 Technical benchmarking or Product Benchmarking
6 Types of Benchmarking

Global Benchmarking Network (GBN)
