Saturday 1 October 2011

Peter Schiff - Prepare or Die

Peter Schiff - Prepare or Die (1 of 2)

Peter Schiff Was Right Before – AND NOW?

What Will You Do When the Collapse of the US Dollar Wipes Out Half of Your Wealth? Have you ever wondered how the currency crisis will affect your family’s finances? Let me explain the sobering reality to you in the following scenario: Suppose you have $2000 in the bank on Friday afternoon. When the bank opens on Monday, you still have the same $2000 in your bank account, but because the value of the US dollar has collapsed over the weekend, you now have 50% less buying power. So if you wanted to buy something that would’ve cost you $500 on Friday, it will now cost you $1000. You’ve literally wiped out one half of your buying power — and consequently wiped out half of your wealth! And that’s not all. What if you had a retirement account or money market holdings? Half of your funds would vanish into thin air with the collapse of the US dollar. The trillion-dollar deficit has caused the US government to keep printing money without the backing of precious metals — and that practically guarantees that the US dollar will be devalued to the point of collapse. When that happens, there will be serious repercussions — such asmassive inflation, the skyrocketing of prices of gas, oil, food, clothing, household goods and other commodities. Experts predict a brutal downturn in the economy for the end of 2011, which they expect to be about 10 times worse than the mortgage crisis of 2008.
The Collapse of the Paper Money System is Already Underway If …

Irwin Schiff's Great Giveaway

Peter Schiff Blog


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NERV: ČR by se měla připravit i na rozpad eurozóny